Friday, 21 November 2008


the next step? through the process of definition and then re-defnition, it appears to be a natural progression that as a proposal some kind of installation that provides an alternative perspective of briggate or changes the existing pattern of the street in a way that is adds to the user experience of moving through the space. i would like to create greater connection between briggate and the wider city, and if possible connection between the city and the wider region. i want to provide a comfortable space for respite and contemplation of the surroundings. space that provides a shelter from the pressure of briggate and the commercial environment, where there is no pressure to spend and consume but only to appreciate the built environment around. iitially i had thought to propose some king of pavillion, that exists only for its own existance with no other function than itself, however further thought on this has led me to seek a greater functionality in my proposals and aim to create the contemplation space i seek to, but with perhaps a dual or hidden function. i aim to create an intervention that uses sustainable ideas and forward thinking technologies, perhaps something self sustaining that makes no demands on the system operating around it; an island of respite with hidden functionality.  

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